What will our relationships look like post covid ?
Today, I’d like to share my optimistic vision about our lives after this covid transition we’re all going through.
For me, post covid is all about new LUXURIES….
The first luxury that is breaking down into our lives is TIME.
For many, working from home is new and scary. But it’s also more flexible, freedom and free time for ourselves…..
The different lockdowns we’ve experienced bought us a slower life as well.
Let’s have a closer look at that.
If we learn how to manage our new emotions, living slower is the best opportunity for many decades to get rid of stress….
My main point here is this one :
Because stress is the real pandemic of our generation, if we know how to reduce it and be more comfortable with ourselves, then, something priceless will happen :
…. More MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIPS with our friends, lover, family, partners, clients, communities…
Even through long distance, and even through the technologies.
Here is my question for you today :
What if the nain luxury and gift from covid would be QUALITY TIME and MORE MEANING shared with people ?
This is my gut feeling since early 2020….
And it’s what I’ve experienced ever since with my own family in France, my friends in Thailand and my online communities all over the world.
What has shifted in my personal and professional life is that :
I feel less lonely and more connected with myself and people.
I know how to release my anxiety of being rejected or not loved enough by people, so I can freely share my INTUITION and my CREATIVITY.
Month after month, this new INNER FREEDOM had led me to more SELF CONFIDENCE and EMPOWERMENT.
My friend, you can’t imagine how happy I’m to express my “covid transformation” with you in this post….
What a new juicy sensation to be able to show you my best self, as well as my soul mission in this life which is :
Guiding you to reconnect yourself with your authentic message and heart based projects, through the power of writing and meditation.
It’s what I will be guiding you to do in this Writing Meditation Workbook as well as :
- How to feel better right now
- Emotional independence
- Self healing
- How to shift form loneliness and separation to connection and cooperation
- What is self love, meaningful relationships, commitment and true love in 2021
- How to reinvent it with your own rules….
- And much more !
> I invite you to book your free consultation with me if you are ready to see how emotional coaching can help you find your best solutions, which are already there, inside you.
Amandine Mas — Emotions and Writing Coach on https://www.instagram.com/amandine_emotional_freedom
🧚♂️ Discover the 4-Step Emotional Coaching Programm “From Trauma to Love” : https://amandinemas.com/from-trauma-to-love-coaching/
🧚♂️ If you are an Entrepreneur, Coach or Healer discover the Emotional and Creative Coaching Program “From Trauma to Genius : https://amandinemas.com/from-trauma-to-genius-coaching/
🧚♂️ Downlaod for free my book “From Wounded to Empowered — A guide to live better with your emotions, your intuitions and in your relationships using a simple notebook” : https://amandinemas.com/download_from_wounded_to_empowered_book
🧚♂️ Watch my videos and podcasts on Youtybe : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZRwLALL7PnYn5qVfUgmPyw