What is intuition (and how to recover yours with your notebook) ?


14 easy steps to listen to your intuition’s messages through Writing (Intuitive Writing Exercise)

For an anxiety free life, write your intuition !

This quick tutorial is for you if :

  • You are passionate, driven, guided but regularly blocked by your emotions and overthinking
  • You tend to procrastinate what is really important because you don’t believe in your intuition and soul callings
  • You know you have a role to play in this world, a mission, but you feel overwhelmed, stuck, lost, tired, limited, conditioned, not free enough (in a word, you have the impostor syndrome)
  • Your relationships, results and incomes don’t reflect your true potential
  • You’re not totally aligned between your thoughts, feelings and actions because of anxiety and lack of self confidence

In short, you have been disconnected from your intuition, from your inner GPS…..

Last video on intuitive writing : https://youtu.be/D9wyke3Bw3U

First thing first : Are you really aware of the power of your intuition?!

Dear friend, I want to be clear with you about one important point : Intuition is your superpower. (Yes, me too, it took me ages to accept it…..)

What exactly is intuition?

It’s your ability to know something without analytic reasoning, bridging the gap between the conscious and non-conscious parts of your mind.

Your intuition follows you everywhere. It’s an ongoing experiment to the new. It’s a map, a road, a direction based on your visions, imagination and creativity.

It’s a trustworthy companion, always at your disposal to help you get :

  • More time for you (and less disappointments in your relationships)
  • More choices (without spending hours deciding)
  • A better awareness of yourself (and your purpose)
  • An easier life because you get more by doing less
  • Genius ideas, eurekas and synchronicities (to move forward on your path without doubting)
  • Better professional results (avoiding burn out)

Intuition helps you envision your biggest picture, your plan to play your role in the world, it helps you use your imagination to break unhelpful habits. That’s why creativity is so intuitive.

And there are many ways to develop your intuition like movement, observation, art… But my favorite is definitely writing. It’s so easy to use and the results are almost instrant !

How to recover your intuition with your pen and notebook ?

Follow the guide, and let yourself go…..

  1. Pause what you’re doing, make an appointment with yourself, listen to what is happening inside you
  2. Open your notebook, and start writing, simply, without thinking ( to listen to your heart, you first need to pause the busy mind)
  3. Start writing something simple and pleasant like a word, a description of how you feel, a scene from your imagination, a memory, an emotion, an observation, something that resonates with you now, that makes sense
  4. Write with your heart opened and let go of your head, don’t expect anything, let magic operate…
  5. It’s also important to let go of perfectionism, allow yourself to make tons of spelling mistakes and “weird sentences” because no one is going to read what you’re writing. This is just for you, to bring you closer to who you are and your purpose
  6. Connect to your body, to your physical sensations and to your senses, embody your visions in your body, incorporate them into your writing. What do they want to tell you? Write it down….
  7. Only write what is good for you (and not what you want to write to please other people). Only write what resonates deeply within you (and drop all the superficial)
  8. Don’t censor yourself and write down all the calls and messages from your heart, and enjoy this new feeling of unity and peace.
  9. Keep writing down what is good for you without worrying about the “how” or “with whom”
  10. Write freely, without filter, without mask, what your intuition shows you about your inner world, about your unique way of seeing the world, about your natural ability to find your own answers
  11. Listen, write and BELIEVE your intuition, this pleasure to be connected to your inner guidance, through your own words
  12. Visualize, listen and write the messages of your inner child, the one who is joyful and creative inside you, reconnect with your childish joy with the power of your writing…..
  13. Keep writing while you’re connected to this most elevated part of yourself, then close your notebook and reopen it tomorrow, or later, to understand your intuition from another angle, with another look, to understand what is at stake in this message, at the beyond the interpretation of your mind
  14. Practice intuitive writing for a few minutes a day, then gradually increase this feeling of indescribable inner happiness;)

Well done… ! It was a beautiful journey, isn’t it?!

I Want too be very honest with you : for me, intuitive writing is both the most beautiful of my writing adventures, and the beginning of all the others, but….

I know, sometimes the intuitive adventure can be scary because we haven’t been educated to live with it, right?

But don’t panic, I’ve been there too, and I’m with you to guide you weekly on Youtube, Instagram, Facebook and Medium to help you transform your fears and your anxiety, into authenticity, creativity and freedom thought your writing !

> I invite you to book your free consultation with me if you are ready to see how emotional coaching can help you find your best solutions, which are already there, inside you.

Amandine Mas — Emotions and Writing Coach on https://www.instagram.com/amandine_emotional_freedom

🧚‍♂️ Discover the 4-Step Emotional Coaching Programm “From Trauma to Love” : https://amandinemas.com/from-trauma-to-love-coaching/

🧚‍♂️ If you are an Entrepreneur, Coach or Healer discover the Emotional and Creative Coaching Program “From Trauma to Genius : https://amandinemas.com/from-trauma-to-genius-coaching/

🧚‍♂️ Downlaod for free my book “From Wounded to Empowered — A guide to live better with your emotions, your intuitions and in your relationships using a simple notebook” : https://amandinemas.com/download_from_wounded_to_empowered_book

🧚‍♂️ Watch my videos and podcasts on Youtybe : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZRwLALL7PnYn5qVfUgmPyw

Last audios and videos :

— Guided Meditation to Release Trapped Emotions : https://youtu.be/uB9rtHf-N4s

— Guided Meditation for Anxiety, Fear, Worries, Insecurity : https://youtu.be/X_sfBCG9y8Y

— Releasing the Fear of Abandonment : https://youtu.be/dKEctjwJt8s

— Releasing the Fear of Rejection : https://youtu.be/b8cx-5YBjF8

— Nonviolent Communication Guided Meditation : https://youtu.be/HTWwhO8IOOI

— Guided Meditation to set healthy Boundaries in Relationships : https://youtu.be/4lAcuWuy5X8



Amandine Mas - Emotions and Writing Coach
Amandine Mas - Emotions and Writing Coach

Written by Amandine Mas - Emotions and Writing Coach

i guide you Transform your Blocking Emotions into Impactful and Authentic Communication

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