Resilience Blog by Amandine Mas


Stories about healing, résilience, post traumatic growth and all the consequences of post-traumatic stress inherited from childhood

This blog is the reality about my childhood trauma healing journey and what I observe during my coaching sessions with clients. It talks about these multiple symptoms that we don’t talk about, the symptoms of our buried traumas that resurface in our adult lives (hyper anxiety, emotional flashbacks, panic attacks, nightmares, hyper control, fear of being rejected, hyper vigilance...). You will also find efficient emotional release practices et meet experts trained in psychotrauma to understand you better and experience what is best for you.

Like you perhaps, I ignored this symptoms for years so as to please and not to harm those around me. I told myself so many stories to protect myself that I lost my integrity. I lost my authenticity which I hid behind social roles to feel loved. This couldn’t go on any longer. The cost to my health has become too high. I decided to no longer escape into repeated addictions and frustrations.

“TRAUMA IS A FACT OF LIFE. IT DOES NOT, HOWEVER, HAVE TO BE A LIFE SENTENCE” Peter Levine, psychotherapist, specialist in psychological trauma, creator of Somatic Experiencing.

Yes, I was a victim of violence and neglect during childhood, and yes this violence was not recognized, due to a lack of emotional maturity in our society and families.

No, I don’t want to remain a life sentence for my post-traumatic stress disorders. I made this commitment to come out of my long silent penance in January 2023 when I came out of traumatic amnesia and decided to publish my book “From Wounded to Empowered, a guide to living better with your emotions , your intuitions and in your relationships with a simple notebook”.

Since then, I have continued to strive to create more meaning and coherence in my life as a healthy adult woman. I am constantly committed to rebuilding myself emotionally, in particular by training in energy healing, somatic practices and trauma informed coaching. I decided to make my strongest emotions a passion, a contribution, a mission. Today I am able to support you in releasing your post-traumatic stress through personalized emotional liberation sessions.

This blog is the continuation of this commitment to traumatized people who have decided to escape from their emotional prison inherited from the past. This is possible. I am a living proof.

My conviction is that, contrary to what is commonly said about traumatized people (for example: “compared to what you have experienced in your childhood, you’re not living too badly after all…”), we deserve more.

We deserve more than these lifelong emotional and relational handicaps.

We deserve more than these painful spikes of anxiety when the trauma comes up without warning.

We deserve more than these disabling body freezes so as not to relive buried events.

We deserve more than these addictions and codependencies when the little child inside us calls for help.

We deserve more than this endless wait when we realize that no one will come to help us anymore since we are “strong and independent adults”.

My message to you is:

To gracefuly move out of this vicious circle of permanent re-traumatization in adulthood, you today have CHOICES.

Choice is key in many trauma therapies because, in essence, trauma is the result of an absence of choice at a certain moment in the past. However, if you are reading this article and want to free yourself from your childhood burden, it may be helpful for you to reflect on this new perspective of choice (you can tell me in the comments how it resonates with you).

Trauma healing is, in my experience as a resilient person, a long process of personal choices that leads to deep and powerful changes, from the inside out to your relationships.

We have the choice to change what is within our reach. The choice to change what vibrates too low and which always brings us back to the same place, to the same pain, to the same complaint and to the same feeling of emptiness, abandonment, rejection, disrespect…

We have the choice to learn how to regulate our intense emotions and transform them into creativity, peace and true love, a little more every day.

This is my commitment to you in this blog. You are welcome to comment or contact me if you want to contribute and/or share your story.

Whatever you share with me about your past that doesn’t pass, I trust you.

With all my heart with you for your liberation and new life after trauma,

Amandine Mas — Emotions and Writing Coach on

🧚‍♂️ Discover the 4-Step Emotional Coaching Programm “From Trauma to Love” :

🧚‍♂️ If you are an Entrepreneur, Coach or Healer discover the Emotional and Creative Coaching Program “From Trauma to Genius :

🧚‍♂️ Downlaod for free my book “From Wounded to Empowered — A guide to live better with your emotions, your intuitions and in your relationships using a simple notebook” :

🧚‍♂️ Watch my videos and podcasts on Youtybe :

Sources and References:

  • American Psychological Association: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) website
  • International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies: Understanding PTSD website
  • National Institute of Mental Health: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder website
  • van der Kolk, B. (2014). The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma. Penguin Books.
  • Murielle Salmona, french psychiatrist, founder in 2009 of the Traumatic Memory Association, an organization for workers caring for victims of violence (in particular sexual violence, domestic violence, children violence, and terrorism violence).



Amandine Mas - Emotions and Writing Coach
Amandine Mas - Emotions and Writing Coach

Written by Amandine Mas - Emotions and Writing Coach

i guide you Transform your Blocking Emotions into Impactful and Authentic Communication

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