Midlife Crisis, Emotions, And Entrepreneurship — The Art of Emotional Release
> Listen to the audio version on my Youtube channel : https://youtu.be/IRLU_DuauXs
Hello, I’m Amandine Mas, your emotional coach guiding you, in each article, through an emotional coaching experience to help you liberate yourself from your burdens, and express yourself in everything you undertake.
From my experience, once you have decided to release an emotion, you can free yourself not only from minor traumas but also from deeper wounds through practice. This is what I do and teach on a daily basis.
Today, I want to introduce a burning topic that I observe in all my entrepreneure clients: the emotional layer cake.
What’s the emotional layer cake ?
It’s the accumulation of emotions that often stack up without our awareness over the years. Its creates, especially around the age of 40, an explosion of various emotions.
It’s a cocktail of long-repressed insecurities that we didn’t see coming or didn’t want to acknowledge. It ultimately becomes more visible and increasingly detrimental to our various projects (in addition to our health).
Let me know in the comments if this resonates with you, ok ?
What’s the emotional layer cake from a scientific perspective?
It’s an accumulation of high stress situations from childhood, adolescence, school, entering adulthood, and early professional and relational experiences… These create multiple repressed feelings of not being understood, seen, valued, or appreciated for who we are. It leads to unaddressed emotions like sadness, anger, or fear, which in turn develop protective habits and behaviors such as avoidance, conflict, isolation, addiction, and the people-pleasing syndrome.
It protects us for a time and calms us for a while, through our twenties and thirties, but underneath…
It nurtures a soil of low self-esteem and self-confidence that we manage to hide under social masks (the strong woman, the nice man, the good friend…), but over the years…
This accumulation of inner discomfort and this false self, these masks, ultimately cease to protect us and begin to imprison us.
This emotional layer cake can take several forms in your life:
One formthat often goes unnoticed (but has severe consequences on self-esteem) is self-sabotage, especially when we give up important projects that we feel incapable of pursuing (and leads to fears of failure and judgment). Our inner voice criticizes us, claiming it’s not worth it, causing doubt, procrastination and stagnation.
The emotional layer cake can also manifest as addiction, a relentless pursuit of pleasure and performance to escape the deep, genuine emotions of who we are.
And finally, a very sensitive topic for me, these repressed emotions can manifest as illnesses that can further immobilize us in our expansion.
These are the situations I have encountered or see most often in my coaching clients.
Yet, reaching the age of 40 (and 50) can also be a unique opportunity to express ourselves and realise our potential when we manage to release our emotions and our authentic voice.
After this age of 40, it’s a privilleged moment to:
- Operate from our zone of genius, beyond anxiety
- Follow our inner calling, fulfil the mission that drives us
- Reconnect with our creative flow
- Build trust and inner safety
- Create much more secure attachments in our relationships
In a nutchell:
As we practice emotional release, we become more emotionally mature and we need less to please or save anyone. This leaves us feeling lighter and more capable of realization.
What I observe in my own work and among many entrepreneurs around the age of 40 with the practice of emotional release is a new lifestyle emerges that includes our emotions, wounds, and traumas as allies in all our activities (whereas before, they were sources of guilt and shame).
This is what happened to me.
Emotional release and transforming my traumas into a new creative energy has become my daily life and expertise after spending 35 years of my life dealing with acute post-traumatic stress disorders. I had to learn this emotional and creative release alongside many experts in this recent and fascinating field.
And emotional release is not as complicated as it may seem, as you’ll see in this podcast.
In this article, we’ll start slowly with a very interesting somatic writing exercise that you can do anytime you feel an emotion arising regarding your business, communication, social media, or clients…
We’ll do this together now, and you can share in the comments what you’ve realised and released, ok ?
Let’s start slowly, shall we ?
> I invite you now to simply locate the area of your body that reacts when you think about your business, communication, marketing, social media or clients…
- What is the area of your body that reacts the most right now, the first, the most present, the one that holds the most insecurity, that demands the most of your attention? Breathe, place a hand on it if you wish, and ask it:
- What are the different sensations that this part of your body is communicating to you? What do you physically feel in this part of your body?
- Are there sensations of agitation or disconnection? Warmth or cold? Palpitations? Trembling? Heaviness? A color? Digestive pain? Skin irritation? Muscle contraction?
- What are the emotions that lie behind these sensations? What do you emotionally feel right now about your business in this area of your body?
Let these emotions come and learn to feel them, learn from them…
Stay with your body for as long as possible, as present as possible, and note these sensations, these emotions, and their messages in your notebook without writing the mental story that created all of this.
You can free yourself without recounting the story and without adding to your mental load, simply by learning to listen to what you feel in your body.
Practice, redo this exercise, and comment under this article to share what you have learnt about yourself and your business.
It’s because you become aware of your emotional accumulation that you can stop it and transform it into a new creative energy in service of your business.
> If you truly want to :
- Free yourself from your blocking emotions
- Transform your trauma into creativity
- Put it to the service of your clientele
- Realise yourself through impactful communication on a larger scale without anxiety
> I invite you to book your free call with me to test my emotional and marketing coaching program specially designed for conscious entrepreneurs, coaches, and therapists.
This coaching program is called “From Trauma to Genius” and is the result of a long development that I began undertaking in 2014. Itcombines my 5 areas of expertise: emotional coaching, emotional release through the body, energy healing, intuitive writing, and copywriting.
I have created this coaching program to help you overcome your emotional blocks related to communication and marketing, and to transform your difficult emotions into a new energy of creativity and inspiration for your clients.
Amandine Mas — Emotions and Writing Coach on https://www.instagram.com/amandine_emotional_freedom
🧚♂️ Discover the 4-Step Emotional Coaching Programm “From Trauma to Love” : https://amandinemas.com/from-trauma-to-love-coaching/
🧚♂️ If you are an Entrepreneur, Coach or Healer discover the Emotional and Creative Coaching Program “From Trauma to Genius : https://amandinemas.com/from-trauma-to-genius-coaching/
🧚♂️ Downlaod for free my book “From Wounded to Empowered — A guide to live better with your emotions, your intuitions and in your relationships using a simple notebook” : https://amandinemas.com/download_from_wounded_to_empowered_book
🧚♂️ Watch my videos and podcasts on Youtybe : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZRwLALL7PnYn5qVfUgmPyw