Let’s explore self-healing writing….
How to live a meaningful life ? It starts with optimal health and wellness….
From this place, it’s easier to create positive relationships, creative projects, money….
How is your health right now ? How do you feel physically, emotionally and mentaly ? How is your energy level every morning ?
One of the most quickly transformative tip I’ve learnt from my holistic therapists clients is that :
When your energy level is high, you’re in good overall health, you have better relationships and you’re more likely to make a living out of what you love.
Here is the point,
in 2021, we live in a hyper connected society which allows us to measure (and improve) your overall energy and health in many ways….
While western medicine has brought life saving advancements, traditional medicines (Chinese, Indian, Thai….) help us achieve optimal wellness from a more holistic (and sustainable) perspective.
What does “Holistic” mean ?
Holistic Health is an ancient approach which considers you as a whole person interacting with your environment. It emphasizes the connection of mind, body and spirit.
And today, I’d like to share with you my personal vision and use of Holistic Medicine.
For me, holistic health means Prevention and Personalization. It is another way to grow in our complex society with a blended approach between ancient medicines and modern science.
Preventing symptoms
What I love doing on mornings is what I call « a holistic check in » with my journal. It’s a short méditative moment where I scan my physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. It gives me a holistic diagnosis to meet my needs before I get stressed, tired or sick.
Personalization of diet, exercice, emotional management and spiritually
The more I listen to my body’s needs at all levels, the more I’m able to know clearly what it likes and doesn’t like. It’s from this place that I can build positive, successful and sustainable habits.
Because our bodies are all unique, they don’t all need the same nutrition, mouvements and attention on a daily basis.
Because our nervous systems are not triggered by the same stressors, we don’t need the same tools to regulate our emotions and thoughts.
Because we haven’t been raised in the same families and belief systems, we don’t need to be nourished by the same intellectual and spiritual activities.
Since 7 years I’ve been writing for many therapists, holistic health has brought my life to a totally different level…. ….
That’s why I want to assist you to improve your holistic health in the Writing Meditation Workbook in order to :
- Reduce stress, anxiety and feelings of insecurity
- Decrease physical tensions, stiffness, aches and chronic pain
- Manage and release strong emotions
- Transform overweight into conscious eating and drinking
- Stop addictions and self-destruction habits
- Shift from negativity and complaining to creativity
- Increase your self confidence and leadership
- Boost your immune system (the best vaccine)
- Practice your ability to self healing
> I invite you to book your free consultation with me if you are ready to see how emotional coaching can help you find your best solutions, which are already there, inside you.
Amandine Mas — Emotions and Writing Coach on https://www.instagram.com/amandine_emotional_freedom
🧚♂️ Discover the 4-Step Emotional Coaching Programm “From Trauma to Love” : https://amandinemas.com/from-trauma-to-love-coaching/
🧚♂️ If you are an Entrepreneur, Coach or Healer discover the Emotional and Creative Coaching Program “From Trauma to Genius : https://amandinemas.com/from-trauma-to-genius-coaching/
🧚♂️ Downlaod for free my book “From Wounded to Empowered — A guide to live better with your emotions, your intuitions and in your relationships using a simple notebook” : https://amandinemas.com/download_from_wounded_to_empowered_book
🧚♂️ Watch my videos and podcasts on Youtybe : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZRwLALL7PnYn5qVfUgmPyw