Journaling prompts for mental clarity

How to Write your Intentions to Activate the Law of Attraction

> Access the Guided Audio to Write your Intentions here

Today I’d like to talk with you about writing your intentions, which is an extremely important and powerful writing practice… Why ?

Because, according to my experience since january 2018, it’s the shortest path to your life’s purpose !

In a word, the Intention Writing practice that we are gonna to do together in this article is your roadmap towards your purpose, on a daily basis, in your notebook.

New video : Journaling tips for instant mental clarity (1 exercice + 4 questions)

But before we jump in, I’d like to tell you what Intention Writing is NOT :

Writing your intentions is not “setting your goals in a notebook”. No.

Why ?

Because it does not only involve your “ultra analytical” left brain (which you’ve already used a lot…), but also your right brain, your creativity and your intuition.

In a word, living your intentions, living your purpose, is knowing what is good for you in each moment. And….

As soon as you’ll learn to express your real intentions, your daily life will literally change, at all levels (well-being, health, productivity, creativity, relationships, etc.)

Why is it so powerful ?

Simply because intention writing allows you to make small changes, in consciousness, every day, to achieve what inspires you, beyond your conditioning.

In a nutshell, writing down your intentions allows you to manifest what really matters to you, in small daily doses !

Intention is a power to be experienced regularly, to make a difference.

In my own experience, every morning, since January 2018, writing down my intentions has been a HUGE trigger for creativity and empowerment…..

And it’s what’s gonna happen to you too today, because writing your intentions is above all a Law of Attraction’ booster (which is also called the Law of Intention), that is based on the direct link that exists between your thoughts and your reality.

‘What you choose to focus on eventually comes to pass’

The last thing I’d like to tell you before sharing my intention writing practice with you is that :

The Law of Attraction (or Intention) is all about INNER CHANGE

Writing to manifest your intentions is not magical at all. It’s a creative process that starts inside of you.

  • The first step is to firmly BELIEVE in your intentions
  • You absolutely must believe that YOU CAN attract what you truly desire
  • You have to feel it, in your body, in your guts, and not just think it in your head
  • You must feel an energetic shift
  • You must feel the emotions of your intentions as if you have already realized them
  • You will become more attractive, by changing your energy, from the inside out
  • You will no longer expect anything from the outside, you will no longer play the victim, you will become the CREATOR of your reality.

Let’s begin !

You can practice the exercise that will follow each morning (or each week, each month or each new moon as you wish !), to see unfolding in your notebook, where your heart, your soul, your intuition, your subconscious wants to take you….

Get ready, I’m gonna fist guide through 10 simple steps to reach your flow state, this state of high creativity, in a few minutes.

Then, I’m gonna offer you 4 essential questions and 1 bonus question that really makes the difference, to write your intentions for today, ok?

So let’s start….

Step 1: Slow down your mind to access your intuition

  • Start by making an appointment with yourself, get your notebook and pen ready, find a comfortable seat
  • Cut distractions to make yourself 100% available to yourself, turn off the phone, the notifications and the computer, inform your co-worker, spouse and children that you are not available for te next ten minutes
  • Connect slowly to your body and prepare it for relaxation
  • Put your feet on the ground (to feel supported), open your posture (to increase your self-confidence), connect the top of your head to your unlimited imagination (to receive great ideas)
  • Put yourself in receptive mode to listen to what is going on inside you….
  • Do some “box breathing” cycles at your own pace : Inhale on 4 and exhale on 4 counts, to go even deeper into yourself
  • Feel your energy moving freely: visualize this energy flow throughout your body and mind, appreciate this interconnectedness throughout your being
  • Smile and relax the features of your face to trick your brain to tell it that you are safe, and ready to listen to the messages of your interiority….

Congratulations, you are in alpha mode now ;)

Enjoy this special state of your brain which you can reach at any time.

Enjoy this natural state where you have access to your most creative ideas and solutions,

This moment, now, is the ideal state to write your intentions for the day, in full awareness, in full authenticity, in full alignment with yourself.

Step 2: Write your Intentions for the day

Now, I invite you to open your notebook and answer these 4 questions :

  1. What is intention, your most burning DESIRE today? Be honest with yourself, remember that no one is going to read you….
  2. What is really IMPORTANT to you? And not for anyone else…
  3. What are your NEEDS to achieve your intention for the day in the best conditions ?
  4. Who can you ask for HELP to get there even more easily ?

Let yourself be guided by your favorite words, those that carry you in your highest energy….

And now, I want to share with you another question that is really effective for writing and manifesting your intentions :

What experience would you love to have today?

Let go, feel the butterflies in your stomach, feel that you’re vibrating higher, feel that you are more attractive, more magnetic….

Keep writing in this beautiful state of inner wholeness, and believe in yourself, believe in your intentions, and they will find you, they will come true….

Thank you for your trust and your courage to move toward your authentic self.

Do not forget to share your experience with me !

I’ll see you soon for a new Meditation Writing practice

> I invite you to book your free consultation with me if you are ready to see how emotional coaching can help you find your best solutions, which are already there, inside you.

Amandine Mas — Emotions and Writing Coach on

🧚‍♂️ Discover the 4-Step Emotional Coaching Programm “From Trauma to Love” :

🧚‍♂️ If you are an Entrepreneur, Coach or Healer discover the Emotional and Creative Coaching Program “From Trauma to Genius :

🧚‍♂️ Downlaod for free my book “From Wounded to Empowered — A guide to live better with your emotions, your intuitions and in your relationships using a simple notebook” :

🧚‍♂️ Watch my videos and podcasts on Youtybe :

Last audios and videos :

— Guided Meditation to Release Trapped Emotions :

— Guided Meditation for Anxiety, Fear, Worries, Insecurity :

— Releasing the Fear of Abandonment :

— Releasing the Fear of Rejection :

— Nonviolent Communication Guided Meditation :

— Guided Meditation to set healthy Boundaries in Relationships :



Amandine Mas - Emotions and Writing Coach
Amandine Mas - Emotions and Writing Coach

Written by Amandine Mas - Emotions and Writing Coach

i guide you Transform your Blocking Emotions into Impactful and Authentic Communication

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