Emotional Safety Mastery (Part 2 — Come back to the body and soothe the brain)


> Listen to the audio version on my Youtube channel : https://youtu.be/QIW_zfnyX4M

Hello, this is Amandine Mas, an emotional coach. In the previous episode, we saw that the foundation for regaining inner safety is to recognize when we are no longer safe. As soon as possible.

It sounds obvious…

… But it’s far from easy to do in our society where our main directive is to be strong and successful. This leaves little room for vulnerability and emotional resilience.

I don’t know about you, but:

I used to think that I had created safety in my life, strength in my mind, and independence in my relationships.

I was so far from reality…

Until the age of 36, I didn’t know that I had been living in emotional insecurity since childhood. What a shock when the symptoms of post-traumatic stress intensified unexpectedly.

After locking them in my body for 3 decades, the pressure cooker exploded at a time in my life when I wanted to create a conscious couple relationship and engage in a meaningful business.

I had to face the denial of my insecurity and the illusion of what I thought was inner safety…

My plans didn’t go as expected at all. On the contrary, I needed to dive deeper into my addictive behaviours (like partying and alcohol) to compensate for the increasing internal disorder that was taking up more space.

That’s when I turned to trauma experts and intensively trained myself that i understood that:

  • My traumas had been stuck in my body all these years
  • They were disrupting my brain, my way of thinking, and creating relationships
  • I was disconnected from my body, which was communicating feelings of danger and insecurity to me

Thanks to my various trainings (body-mind practices, energy healing, emotional coaching, writing, and art therapy), I finally understood that none of this is an end in itself.

At my own pace, I learned to feel safe with my body and the emotions it had been carrying for years. I learned to soothe my insecurities and transform them into calm, confidence and even leadership.

Where to start?

After detecting emotional insecurity (as we saw in the previous episode), it’s important to practise returning to your body as soon as possible, to connect with your difficult sensations and emotions, regardless of the time of day or where you are.

You will see that with practice, it will take less and less time and energy, no matter the intensity of your emotions or the severity of your traumas (in fact, you will gain energy and overcome emotional exhaustion).

The goal of what we will practise together in this episode is to:

  • Regain safety and calm in your body before your emotions explode or freeze
  • Soothe your brain’s alarm and harmonise your body/brain relationship
  • See your relationships differently and experience your emotional changes more lightly
  • Get out of your overthinking mind to find answers more simply in your body first, which knows how to do it…

As always in emotional coaching and self-coaching, you always have a choice. You can, for example, start gently by asking your intuition:

“What is the best way to get out of my head and connect with my body safely right now?”

One available option to you is Somatic Scan, an essential practice in healing pain (physical and emotional), which will take 1 or 2 minutes of your time. It’s a practice endorsed by therapists to allow your blocked emotions to express themselves and release them better.

I will guide you to include it in your daily life, every time an emotion emerges:

> First, settle in a place you love, where you feel safe

> Observe what around you reassures you, what you find beautiful, what connects you to nature or plants, objects, colours, or people you love. Are you ready, let’s go slowly…

> Direct your attention from the outside to the inside of your body

> Slowly move your attention from your head and brain downward toward the bottom of your body

> Scan your sensations in all other parts of your body calling out to you now

> Focus your attention on the parts of your body touching the ground or surface you are on. Slow down, take a pause…

> Notice your body’s movements as if you were in a museum or a forest: How is your breathing? Short, blocked, long, smooth? (This gives you an idea of your nervous system’s state at that moment)

> Let your breathing and your nervous system do their thing. They know what to do

> Also, trust your muscles, let them do their thing and observe: Which area of your body grabs your attention? What sensations do you notice (contraction, expansion, pressure, tingling, warmth) ?

> Place your hands where your body is active, reacting, or shutting down (if you wish)…

> Watch and listen to what’s happening, as if you were watching a movie

> Stay with the discomfort, with love and respect for yourself and the messages your body is sending you

> Observe your resistances, blockages, and reactions. Know that you are safe, you are in your body, in your temple, in your home, you don’t need to be afraid because there is no danger, only bodily sensations moving like clouds…

> Simply witness what is present within you, a little more each time you do this exercise, in oder to strengthen your inner safety muscle

> Allow your bodily and emotional sensations to express themselves, to live what they have to live, take your time….

When you feel that you have more space to continue your day in better emotional conditions than before this exercise:

Write in a journal how your body feels after this practice and tell it that you can do it again whenever it needs it. One or two minutes are enough, and you can do it anywhere…

I encourage you to integrate Somatic Scan into your day as soon as you feel stress and muscle tension accumulating (personally, I do it for just one minute as soon as I feel triggered, I don’t wait!).

With the practice, you’ll see the results settle in :

> Your nervous system will regulate itself in case of stress

> Your body will gradually release traumatic energy and transform it into vital energy

> You will increasingly trust the wisdom of your body and breath to release blocked emotions from childhood (and from your transgenerational history)

Somatic Scan is one of the practices with which I start my emotional coaching sessions. There are others that I will share with you in the next episode of this podcast.

If you want to practise Somatic Scan and Emotional Release with me, I invite you to book your free consultation with me.

Amandine Mas — Emotions and Writing Coach on https://www.instagram.com/amandine_emotional_freedom

🧚‍♂️ Discover the 4-Step Emotional Coaching Programm “From Trauma to Love” : https://amandinemas.com/from-trauma-to-love-coaching/

🧚‍♂️ If you are an Entrepreneur, Coach or Healer discover the Emotional and Creative Coaching Program “From Trauma to Genius : https://amandinemas.com/from-trauma-to-genius-coaching/

🧚‍♂️ Downlaod for free my book “From Wounded to Empowered — A guide to live better with your emotions, your intuitions and in your relationships using a simple notebook” : https://amandinemas.com/download_from_wounded_to_empowered_book

🧚‍♂️ Watch my videos and podcasts on Youtybe : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZRwLALL7PnYn5qVfUgmPyw



Amandine Mas - Emotions and Writing Coach
Amandine Mas - Emotions and Writing Coach

Written by Amandine Mas - Emotions and Writing Coach

i guide you Transform your Blocking Emotions into Impactful and Authentic Communication

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