Cracking the Childhood Trauma Code


Integrating 10 new codes to release strong emotions that resurface in adulthood (and start living)

Because another life awaits you after freeing yourself from your childhood traumas,

Because I am living proof of this and I observe it in my coaching sessions with clients,

Because modern science proves what ancient wisdoms have known for centuries,

Because our contemporary society is traumatised, on the edge of dehumanisation…

… A few months ago, in January 2024, I started writing a new book (which should be called “Cracking the Code of Childhood Traumas — 10 new codes to integrate to release the strong emotions that resurface in adulthood”), with a lot of gentleness towards you, if:

  • You feel that some emotions from your childhood haven’t been soothed
  • You know that you experienced some forms of neglect or violence (physical, sexual, and emotional) in the early years of your life (at home or at school)
  • You witnessed domestic violence
  • Your parents suffered from chronic stress or psychological disorders
  • Your relationships with them still trigger uncontrollable and ambivalent emotions
  • You sometimes react harshly to situations of injustice, rejection, betrayal
  • There is something within you that is not calm, not stabilised, and you don’t always know why (which makes you feel guilty)

If that speaks to you, it’s important for me to tell you that:

These traumatic experiences of neglect or violence may be visible or invisible, acknowledged by your surroundings or not at all. You may not even have distinct visual memories, but only uncomfortable bodily sensations.

In any case, know that:

  • Whatever you have experienced that is still alive within you, I believe you.
  • Whatever you have experienced, it’s not your fault. Your parents and caregivers were responsible for protecting you. And if they failed, as an adult, you have options at your disposal to regain that lost sense of safety, while reducing your guilt, shame, anger…

What if we helped each other ?

I know you often feel alone. I know you feel like others don’t believe you sometimes.

But that is not the truth.

There are thousands of us who were not protected in our early years. We understand each other, deeply.

We are thousands, in all countries around the world, across all generations, who have accumulated persistent symptoms of post-traumatic stress such as:

  • Feelings of powerlessness accompanied by heart palpitations, rapid breathing, tremors, fears…
  • Intrusive sensations, emotional flashbacks, disturbing images from the past, anxiety and panic attacks
  • Hardship in feeling certain emotions like tenderness or sexual desire
  • Difficulties with playing, concentrating, sleeping…
  • Avoidant behaviours in certain discussions or with certain people that remind us of the past
  • Frequent and exhausting mood swings (when our painful memories are triggered)
  • Impulsive and defensive reactions, startles, irritability, hypervigilance, distrust, a need to be constantly on alert
  • Dysfunctional, dependent or avoidant relationships with family, friends, romantic or professional partners
  • Prolonged loneliness, sadness, melancholy, distress, guilt, shame, anxiety, and chronic depression that has been present since childhood and adolescence

According to INSERM (French National Institute of Health and Medical Research), all these symptoms are identified as post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD) and represent between 5 and 12% of the population.

These symptoms are not comfortable, I agree with you, especially when they persist and intensify as you move on in life.

But I have good news for you, dear friend…

These post-traumatic symptoms are more positive and helpful than you think.

They are a sign that your traumatic memory is being reactivated to be released, that you are already advanced on your path to resilience and post traumatic growth.

Coming out of childhood amnesia is an important moment that you must consciously decide at your own pace.

You can choose to free yourself so that your past no longer paralyses your present and your future.

Emotional freedom is a universal right for all human beings.

And I am here, with you, by your side, to accompany you there, step by step…

I will be very honest with you:

I am writing this book because the cost of my own childhood traumas became too high… That’s when real change could begin for me.

This book imposed itself on me, over the years, through my numerous experiments, relationships, therapies, coaching, travels, and retreats around the world.

My emotions became too heavy. Despite my impressive will to hide them, they surfaced.

I continued to suppress them, then they resurfaced again. I became exhausted and collapsed.

Game over.

My emotions became my prison, before becoming my passion.

I had to learn, understand, and transmit.

In 2018, thanks to an exile to the other side of the planet and an almost daily emotional liberation practice (which has never stopped), I went from being completely emotionally disconnected to being able to regulate my emotions by myself (as well as my family, romantic, professional, and friendly relationships).

Thanks to the practices that I share with you in this book, I began to feel safe in my body and in the world.

I began to feel safe, for the first time…

This sentence may seem trivial to you (it was for me), but it is not at all.

For the majority of individuals traumatised in childhood (millions of people around the world), this feeling of being safe has never truly existed (without external support like alcohol, cigarettes, food, work, sex, games, social media…).

It’s from this acquired inner safety that my new life post trauma finally began, at the age of 40.

“Healing your childhood wounds is like retraining your body after an accident. You have to relearn how to walk.”

In my opinion, childhood emotional resilience, an unforgettable (and underestimated) journey.

This book humbly shares a part of my journey of emotional healing, as well as a safe framework for you to continue your own.

Through the pages, I will take you through my most significant results that mainly occurred during the year 2023

With all my heart for your liberation and your new life post trauma

Amandine Mas — Emotions and Writing Coach on

🧚‍♂️ Discover the 4-Step Emotional Coaching Programm “From Trauma to Love” :

🧚‍♂️ If you are an Entrepreneur, Coach or Healer discover the Emotional and Creative Coaching Program “From Trauma to Genius :

🧚‍♂️ Downlaod for free my book “From Wounded to Empowered — A guide to live better with your emotions, your intuitions and in your relationships using a simple notebook” :

🧚‍♂️ Watch my videos and podcasts on Youtybe :



Amandine Mas - Emotions and Writing Coach
Amandine Mas - Emotions and Writing Coach

Written by Amandine Mas - Emotions and Writing Coach

i guide you Transform your Blocking Emotions into Impactful and Authentic Communication

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